Category: Syrups
Plymouth Old Fashioned
The Ghost of Birthdays Past
MxMo CXV – Chocolate!
It’s Mixology Monday, hosted by Garnish Blog, and the theme is chocolate! I absolutely love it: chocolate and booze are a match made in Heaven! We have three cocktails to offer this month: the Chocolate Manhattan, the Chocolate Covered Rum and the Chocolate Rum Old Fashioned. Chocolate Manhattan I attended…
Gin & Blood Orange Tonic with Cucumber Cardamon Foam
Tonic Syrup: for Gin, Vodka or Rum and Tonics
“Old Fashioned” Simple Syrup
I got this idea from Jamie Boudreau – famous mixologist. I make this with WheyLow, which goes into solution, but I can only get 3/4 cup to dissolve. Plus, the WheyLow will start to come out of solution after a few days. I prefer my house made bitters, of course,…
Plymouth Old Fashioned
The Ghost of Birthdays Past
MxMo CXV – Chocolate!

It’s Mixology Monday, hosted by Garnish Blog, and the theme is chocolate! I absolutely love it: chocolate and booze are a match made in Heaven! We have three cocktails to offer this month: the Chocolate Manhattan, the Chocolate Covered Rum and the Chocolate Rum Old Fashioned. Chocolate Manhattan I attended…
Gin & Blood Orange Tonic with Cucumber Cardamon Foam
Tonic Syrup: for Gin, Vodka or Rum and Tonics
“Old Fashioned” Simple Syrup
I got this idea from Jamie Boudreau – famous mixologist. I make this with WheyLow, which goes into solution, but I can only get 3/4 cup to dissolve. Plus, the WheyLow will start to come out of solution after a few days. I prefer my house made bitters, of course,…