Mixology Monday CI – Orange Juice

This month’s theme for Mixology Monday is Orange Juice, brought to us from the host of MxMo 101, DJ Hawaiian Shirt of the Spirited Remix blog.  And, not just “Orange,” but Orange Juice.  I think this month’s challenge is great because we love OJ!  The first drink I thought of…

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MxMo C

The logo for my cocktail mo chronicles.

I’m a relative new comer to Mixology Monday, having contributed for only about a year.  So my twelve entries are a modest offering when one considers that this monthly online cocktail party is now 100 months old!  This month’s theme comes from MxMo’s dedicated leader Frederic Yarm at the cocktail…

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MxMo XCIX – Ice Baby!

A glass decanter with a crystal ball on top.

MxMo XCIX – Ice Baby! I though I’d take this opportunity to discuss my favorite toy, er, tool.  The ice sphere maker. Making Clear Ice at Home Mixology Monday Bottom line, a lot of trouble for little reward. You can easily make clear ice in small quantities. But for entertaining,…

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